Suppose a business user creates a process that includes an automated task. 假设业务用户创建了一个包括自动化任务的流程。
The feature that allows a business user to create new products is only available in the Catalogs tool. 允许业务用户创建新产品的特性仅存在于Catalogs工具中。
The idea is that the main page displays performance data that is most relevant to the business user. 其构想就是让主页显示与业务用户紧密相关的性能数据。
With the rules in the RTS, it is possible for a business user to change the values you set. 使用RTS中的规则,业务用户可以更改您设置的值。
It bears repeating: BRMS tools allow business user to define rules in simple English. 值得重复的是:BRMS工具允许业务用户使用简单的英语来定义规则。
Even a business user who has never programmed in any programming language can easily create and manage these rules. 即使是从来没有使用任何编程语言来编写过程序的业务用户也能够轻松创建和管理这些规则。
So for the business user, BPM tools sometimes make it too complicated to define or to modify a business process. 因此对于业务用户而言,BPM工具有时让定义或修改业务流程变得过于复杂。
For example, it's a universally available process repository where one business user can create a draft process and a colleague in another location can modify that process. 例如,它是普遍可用的流程存储库,某个业务用户可以创建初步流程,而位于另一个地点的同事可以修改该流程。
Business user rule management includes maintenance of a repository of rules that have been developed to enforce business operational policies. 业务用户规则管理包括维护一个为了执行业务操作策略而开发的规则存储库。
The business user can also define the key performance indicators ( KPIs) for each milestone defined in the milestone model described earlier. 业务用户还可以为此前介绍的里程碑模型中定义的每个里程碑定义关键性能指标(KPI)。
The business user doesn't worry about capturing and generating the business events from the various elements ( applications, databases, files, and so on) in the enterprise. 业务用户无需为从企业中的各种元素(应用程序、数据库、文件等)捕获和生成业务事件操心。
Yet they are still part of the model, even if the business user cannot view them. 不过,虽然业务用户看不到这些属性,但它们仍然属于模型。
Like the other widgets, it can be added to any space or page and configured using a simple business user interface to choose which KPI to display. 与其他小部件一样,您可以将其添加到任何空间或页面,并使用简单的业务用户界面进行配置以选择要显示的KPI。
Once defined, any business user having the permissions to do so can manually run the test suites using the Rule Team Server web application. 完成定义之后,便可使用RuleTeamServerWeb应用程序,授予业务人员手动运行测试套件的权利。
The more technical users can view technical attributes that are hidden from the business user. 更多的技术用户可以查看对业务用户隐藏的技术属性。
The business user deploys the custom model to the run-time environment. 业务用户将自定义模型部署到运行时环境中。
In order to obtain accurate results and provide the information pertinent to the business user the report manager has the ability to exercise fine control over the filters applied to each query. 为了获得准确的结果并提供与业务用户有关的信息,报表管理器能够对应用于每个查询的过滤器实施精细控制。
The business user customizes the timeline/ milestone model to create a user-specific model, and defines business events required by the model. 业务用户定制时间轴/里程碑模型以创建一个特定于用户的模型,并定义该模型需要的业务事件。
The business user also wants to know who the responsible Data Steward is, which assets she manages, and how to contact her. 业务用户还希望知道负责的数据主管是谁、她负责哪些资产以及如何与她联系。
The build-time tool allows the business user to also define and specify the business events needed, and to map these events to the milestones. 构建时工具还允许业务用户定义和指定需要的事件,并将这些事件映射到里程碑。
A business user reading his Cognos BI report directly invokes IBM InfoSphere Business Glossary in order to get more information about some terms in the report. 业务用户在阅读CognosBI报告时可以直接调用IBMInfoSphereBusinessGlossary,获取关于报告中某些词汇的更多信息。
A business user may find it difficult to work with the technical specifications for the various JMeter components. 商业用户可能发现难以使用各种JMeter组件的技术规范。
Studying his sales analysis report, a business user analyzes Revenue by Customer, Revenue by Product, and Customer Revenue Ranking. 在阅读销售分析报告时,业务用户按照客户、产品分析收入,并分析客户收入等级。
The tool allows the business user to deploy the generated user-specific timeline/ milestone model into the run-time environment. 这个工具允许业务用户将生成的特定于用户的时间轴/里程碑模型部署到运行时环境中。
You need a new way of accessing and leveraging the current services in the SOA and empowering the end or business user to quickly integrate the services together. 您需要新的方式访问和利用SOA中当前的服务,让最终用户或业务用户能够快速地将这些服务集成到一起。
However, if a business user has just claimed a task, he could not have entered any data for the output message. 但是,如果业务用户刚申领了某个任务,则他不可能已经为输出消息输入了任何数据。
Range set at 10m to optimize for target market of mobile and business user. 10公里是最适于移动通信市场和商业用户的通信范围。
BlackBerry is making its latest attempt to regain its once-trusted place in the pockets of the business user with an unusual square-shaped smartphone designed for reading spreadsheets and documents. 黑莓(BlackBerry)发布了一款外形独特的方屏智能手机,该手机专为读取电子表格和文档而设计,这是黑莓重获商业用户信赖的最新尝试。
In the electronic maze of Internet, E-mail is perhaps the most facile tool for the business user to access and utilize in corporate communication. 在因特网的电子迷宫中,也许E-mail是商业用户在集体通讯中存取.使用最容易采用的手段。
This serves the executive business user that wants to take a look at what's happening to his process. 这使得执行业务的用户可以监控到他的流程中的任何变化。